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星际争霸2 cg_星际争霸2cg台词

zmhk 2024-08-27 人已围观

简介星际争霸2 cg_星际争霸2cg台词       下面将有我来为大家聊一聊星际争霸2 cg的问题,希望这个问题可以为您解答您的疑问,关于星际争霸2 cg的问题我们就开

星际争霸2 cg_星际争霸2cg台词

       下面将有我来为大家聊一聊星际争霸2 cg的问题,希望这个问题可以为您解答您的疑问,关于星际争霸2 cg的问题我们就开始来说说。




星际争霸2 cg_星际争霸2cg台词




       Warfield:Lieutenant, get the wounded to the shuttles.

       Lieutenant:We are almost there, should I send a team to get you?

       Warfield:I'm...fine, lieutenant. Just see those wounded, ah...I'll get out another way.


       Lieutenant:General, there is too many zerg! We're not gonna make it!


       Warfield:Kerrigan......You listen to me, I have three shuttles packed with men too injured to ever be a threat to you......Husbands, fathers...You let those shuttles go, you hear me? (cough)

       Lieutenant:General! We are surrounded! There is no way out!

       Warfield:You bitch...You're not even human any more, you betrayed us all, ah...for what? Petty revenge? How many innocents have you killed? How many more have to die! What if Raynor could see you right now? ...ahhh......Ah!!

       Lieutenant:General! We are surrounded! We're not gonna make it!


       Lieutenant:General! The zerg pull back! It's a miracle! We're going to make it! General! General?





       Kerrigan:I have to get you out.

       Jim:What have you done...

       Kerrigan:What I... had to.

       Jim:Tell that to Fenix, tell that to the millions you butchered.

       Kerrigan:You swore you kill the qween of blades, you are the only one who ever believed in me. Do you still believe in me?

       ……(bang, bang......)

       Kerrigan:I love you, Jim. Never forget it.

       Jim:We've done.



       你自己后面都解释了,Khun Dalar,利刃之矛。你可以理解为就是传说中的神族敢死队,我们都知道神族要传兵全靠力场,Khun Dalar(也可以音译成阿昆德拉)的任务就是清理出来一个LZ(landing zone),一个着陆区域,所有参加阿昆德拉的神族战士都是做好送死的准备(详见卡尔达利斯和阿塔尼斯在重夺艾尔前的对话)











       好了,关于“星际争霸2 cg”的话题就讲到这里了。希望大家能够对“星际争霸2 cg”有更深入的了解,并且从我的回答中得到一些启示。